Marriage Equality’s New Video - Rory’s Story
Published: Thursday, September 08, 2011

Fact: The marriage ban for same sex couples discriminates against Irish families and children.
At Marriage Equality, we want to change that and we are asking you to help us.
Please watch Rory's Story - a new short film by Marriage Equality and FailSafe Films.
Click here to see the film in full.
Please help by sharing Rory's Story with friends and family.
What would you give to get marriage equality across the line? We are currently facing an urgent funding need, and with your helpout over the next few months, we will have to close our doors. Please click here to make a donation to the Marriage Equality today.
Together we can make a difference to same-sex couples, our families and our children.
Because no child deserves to be a stranger to their parents.